Mutual Kindness Makes Home a Paradise
By speaking kindly to their children and praising them when they try to do right, parents may encourage their efforts, make them very happy, and throw around the #family circle a charm which will chase away very dark shadow and bring cheerful sunlight in. Mutual kindness and forbearance will make home a Paradise and attract holy angels into the family circle; but they will flee from a house where there are unpleasant words, fretfulness, and strife. Unkindness, complaining, and anger shut Jesus from the dwelling. {AH 421.6}
The courtesies of everyday life and the affection that should exist between members of the same family do not depend upon outward circumstances. {AH 422.1}
Pleasant voices, gentle manners, and sincere affection that finds expression in all the actions, together with industry, neatness, and economy, make even a hovel the happiest of homes. The Creator regards such a home with approbation. {AH 422.2}
There are many who should live less for the outside world and more for the members of their own family circle. There should be less display of superficial politeness and affection toward strangers and visitors and more of the #courtesy that springs from genuine love and sympathy toward the dear ones of our own firesides. {AH 422.3}
AH = Adventist Home by Ellen Gould White