Tuesday 28th January 2020
The Influence of Association It has been truly said, “Show me your company, and I will show you your character.” The youth fail to...
The Influence of Association It has been truly said, “Show me your company, and I will show you your character.” The youth fail to...
The Influence of Association Everyone will find companions or make them. And just in proportion to the strength of the friendship will be...
God Made Provision for Our Social Needs In the arrangements for the education of the chosen people it is made manifest that a life...
Awake to Opportunities Wake up, brethren and sisters. Do not be afraid of good works. “Let us not be weary in well doing: for in due...
An Expense Account Is Kept in Heaven If men were today simple in their habits, living in harmony with nature's laws, there would be an...
An Expense Account Is Kept in Heaven Christ keeps an account of every expense incurred in entertaining for His sake. He supplies all that...
Maintain a Peaceful, Restful Atmosphere We would be much happier and more useful if our home life and social intercourse were governed by...
Preserve Family Simplicity When visitors come, as they frequently will, they should not be allowed to absorb all the time and attention...
A Refuge for Tempted Youth These youth need a hand stretched out to them in sympathy. Kind words simply spoken, little attentions simply...
A Refuge for Tempted Youth Our homes should be a place of refuge for the tempted youth. Many there are who stand at the parting of the...
To Whom Should Hospitality Be Extended? “When thou makest a dinner or a supper,” Christ says, “call not thy friends, nor thy brethren,...
To Whom Should Hospitality Be Extended? Our social entertainments should not be governed by the dictates of worldly custom, but by the...
Blessings Lost by Selfish Exclusiveness God is displeased with the selfish interest so often manifested for “me and my family.” Every...
Inadequate Excuses Some plead their poor health—they would love to do if they had strength. Such have so long shut themselves up to...
Inadequate Excuses I have heard many excuse themselves from inviting to their homes and hearts the saints of God: “Why, I have nothing...
Neglected Opportunities and Privileges “A lover of hospitality” is among the specifications given by the Holy Spirit as marking one who...
Angels May Be Entertained Today The Bible lays much stress upon the practice of hospitality. Not only does it enjoin hospitality as a...
The Battle for Self-control in Speech God requires parents, by self-control, by an example of solid character building, to disseminate...
A Time for Silence or Song Trials will come, it is true, even to those who are fully consecrated. The patience of the most patient will...
A Plea for Parental Forbearance and Restraint Fathers and mothers, speak kindly to your children; remember how sensitive you are, how...