Thursday 19th December 2019
Keep a Pleasant Countenance and Melodious Voice Parents, be cheerful, not common and cheap, but be thankful and obedient and submissive...
Keep a Pleasant Countenance and Melodious Voice Parents, be cheerful, not common and cheap, but be thankful and obedient and submissive...
Winning the Affection of Children Smile, parents; smile, teachers. If your heart is sad, let not your face reveal the fact. Let the...
Walk as Children of Light It is not the will of God that we should be gloomy or impatient, nor that we should be light and trifling. It...
Mrs. White Was Cheerful in Adversity Do you ever see me gloomy, desponding, complaining? I have a faith which forbids this. It is a...
The True Christian Will Be Cheerful Do not allow the perplexities and worries of everyday life to fret your mind and cloud your brow. If...
Through Social Relations Contact Is Made With the World We should all become witnesses for Jesus. Social power, sanctified by the grace...
Through Social Relations Contact Is Made With The World It is through the social relations that Christianity comes in contact with the...
Many Are Longing For Thoughtfulness Many long intensely for friendly sympathy. . . We should be self-forgetful, ever looking out for...
Nothing Will Atone For Lack of Courtesy Those who profess to be followers of Christ and are at the same time rough, unkind, and...
Varied Temperaments Must Blend It is in the order of God that persons of varied temperament should associate together. When this is the...
Love Is Expressed in Looks, Words, And Acts Above all things, parents should surround their children with an atmosphere of cheerfulness,...
True Courtesy Must Be Motivated By Love The most careful cultivation of the outward proprieties of life is not sufficient to shut out all...
The Best Treatise on Etiquette The most valuable treatise on etiquette ever penned is the precious instruction given by the Saviour, with...
Make the Golden Rule The Law For The Family The most valuable rules for social and family intercourse are to be found in the Bible. There...
True Politeness Defined There is great need of the cultivation of true refinement in the home. This is a powerful witness in favor of the...
Mutual Kindness Makes Home a Paradise By speaking kindly to their children and praising them when they try to do right, parents may...
Courtesy Begins in The Home If we would have our children practice #kindness, #courtesy, and #love, we ourselves must set them the...
Courtesy Will Banish Half Life's Ills The principle inculcated by the injunction, "Be kindly affectioned one to another," lies at the...
Sow in the Mind Seeds of Bible Truth Between an uncultivated field and an untrained mind there is a striking similarity. In the minds of...
Messages to Youth on Objectives in Reading - Pt. 2 Oh, that the young would reflect upon the influence which exciting stories have upon...