Wednesday 8th January 2020
A Plea for Parental Forbearance and Restraint Parents, when you feel fretful, you should not commit so great a sin as to poison the whole...
A Plea for Parental Forbearance and Restraint Parents, when you feel fretful, you should not commit so great a sin as to poison the whole...
Sowing Seeds of Distrust Is an Aid to the Enemy God calls upon believers to cease finding fault, to cease making hasty, unkind speeches....
Gossip and Talebearing We think with horror of the cannibal who feasts on the still warm and trembling flesh of his victim; but are the...
Gossip and Talebearing We think with horror of the cannibal who feasts on the still warm and trembling flesh of his victim; but are the...
Table Conversation How many families season their daily meals with doubt and questionings! They dissect the characters of their friends...
A Suggestive Pledge It would be well for every man to sign a pledge to speak kindly in his home, to let the law of love rule his speech....
How a Father Lost His Children's Confidence My brother, your overbearing words hurt your children. As they advance in years, their...
Passionate Words a Species of Swearing Among the members of many families there is practiced the habit of saying loose, careless things;...
The Evils of Angry, Hasty Words When you speak angry words to your children, you are helping the cause of the enemy of all righteousness....
Shun Vulgarity in Every Form Fathers and mothers, husbands and wives, brothers and sisters, do not educate yourselves in the line of...
Pleasant Words to Children; Respectful Words to Parents Let only pleasant words be spoken by parents to their children, and respectful...
Shall the Words Cause Sunshine or Shadow? It is important that children and youth should be trained to guard their words and deeds; for...
Let There Be No Jarring Note Allow nothing like strife or dissension to come into the home. Speak gently. Never raise your voice to...
The Effect of Harsh, Scolding Words In a home where harsh, fretful, scolding words are spoken, a child cries much; and upon its tender...
Voice Culture Should Be Given in the Home Instruction in vocal culture should be given in the home circle. Parents should teach their...
Language to Be an Outward Expression of Inward Grace The chief requisite of language is that it be pure and kind and true—“the outward...
Every Word Has an Influence Every word spoken by fathers and mothers has its influence over the children, for good or for evil. If the...
The Voice Is a Talent The voice is an entrusted talent, and it should be used to help and encourage and strengthen our fellow men. If...
Cheerfulness Without Levity Is Christian Grace We may have true Christian dignity and at the same time be cheerful and pleasant in our...
Lift the Shadows and Lighten the Task Look upon matters in a cheerful light, seeking to lift the shadows that, if cherished, will envelop...